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working remotely at CoCo cancun

Embracing Remote Working

As CEO at Incognito Worldwide, a subsidiary of Inicia Incorporated, I've been working remotely since 2000. So when COVID-19 hit the USA and companies were scrambling, we'd been prepared for years. Here are some tips. (more…)
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co-worker mental health

Supporting Mental Health Issues

Co-workers struggle with mental health issues, especially during COVID19 when most are working remotely and unable to be in a social environment. How can you help? (more…)
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SSL certificate benefits

SSL Certificate Benefits

SSL certificate benefits tell visitors it is safe to come inside. Would you post a sign outside your business that said “Unsafe building, enter at your own risk”? Of course not. But security is not the only benefit…
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Bruce T Dugan CEO at Incognito Worledwide

Incognito Worldwide: Sparking A Wave Of Transformation

 Incognito Worldwide: Sparking A Wave Of Transformation was a featured article in PRIME INSIGHTS Magazine in their issue "TECHNOLOGY50 EMERGING COMPANY CEO INSIGHTS." (more…)
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Content overload

Content Shock Impact on Social Media

The content shock on social media is both the objective and limitation of content marketing. (more…)
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