Category Archives: Marketing

Digital Marketing Beyond SEO

Digital marketing beyond SEO has become overwhelming. And it seems to be evolving at an accelerated rate. Even experts in the field find…
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Powerlistings display

Benefits of Location-based directories

The benefits of location-based directories include providing marketing reach to publicize your company. However, there are many other advantages beyond simply extended exposure.…
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Seo vs ads ROI

Ads vs SEO: the ROI difference

Search engine optimization is a method of making websites and web pages better, so they appear in Google and other search engines' natural…
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the perfect brand

Creating The Perfect Brand

               Your Brand Is Your Most Valued Product It’s hard not to recognize the importance of branding. But creating the perfect brand requires…
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3 Tips to build Brand Awareness

3 Tips for Building Brand Awareness

Brand awareness in today's business environment is paramount. The effort to establish your company story is a key component to becoming recognizable and…
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Post pandemic business trends

COVID-19 Affected Business Insights

COVID-19 affected business insights looks back at the year, and then forward once we emerge back to business as normal, if not business…
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food menus synced with yelp

Restaurant Tools

Restaurant tools include Powerlistings, a single dashboard to sync to Yelp, Yahoo, Facebook, and many more. Display your company info and food menu…
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Business planning

From Surviving to Thriving

From surviving to thriving and how to rebuild your business in the post-COVID19 world.  Small business owners are eager to rebuild as the…
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Bruce T Dugan CEO at Incognito Worledwide

Incognito Worldwide: Sparking A Wave Of Transformation

 Incognito Worldwide: Sparking A Wave Of Transformation was a featured article in PRIME INSIGHTS Magazine in their issue "TECHNOLOGY50 EMERGING COMPANY CEO INSIGHTS." (more…)
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Content overload

Content Shock Impact on Social Media

The content shock on social media is both the objective and limitation of content marketing. (more…)
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